Fluid Restriction Guidelines for DDAVP & Stimate
You have been given Desmopressin (DDAVP) by intravenous (IV) or Stimate intranasal (IN), a medication which releases stored clotting factors from inside the wall of the blood vessels. A challenge test using DDAVP is one way to verify that DDAVP or Stimate will work effectively if it is needed to help stop bleeding.
One side effect of DDAVP is fluid retention (your body stores extra water). This symptom can last for 18-36 hours. To prevent problems after your challenge test, it is very important that you restrict your intake of fluids for the first 24 hours after receiving DDAVP. If fluids are not restricted, the sodium level in your blood can drop because of the extra fluid, to a level that could cause a seizure (especially in young children). You will notice you do not have to urinate as often.
The total maximum oral fluids allowed for 24 hours following DDAVP (IV) or Stimate (intranasal) is based on your weight: Measuring cup of fluid = 8 oz. = 240ml
10kg or 22 lbs. – restrict your fluids to about 750ml or 25oz per day (3 ¼ cups)
20kg or 44 lbs. – restrict your fluids to about 1000ml or 33oz per day (4 ¼ cups)
30kg or 66 lbs. – restrict your fluids to about 1200ml or 40oz per day (5 cups)
40kg or 88 lbs. – restrict your fluids to about 1400ml or 46oz per day (5 ¾ cups)
50kg or 110 lbs. – restrict your fluids to about 1600ml or 53oz per day (6 ½ cups)
60kg or 130 lbs. – restrict your fluids to about 1800ml or 60oz per day (7 ½ cups)
Don’t drink plain water for at least 6 hours following DDAVP. The following high sodium fluids are best because they are higher in Sodium: Milk, Gatorade, Chicken or Beef Broth, Cocoa, Pedialyte.
Solid foods do not need to be restricted. However, in young children, high Sodium foods such as macaroni and cheese or processed cheese may be encouraged.
Watch for an increase in urine output to signal the end of fluid retaining effect of DDAVP.
- Other side effects of DDAVP include facial flushing, nausea and transient headaches.
- Please call the doctor if you have pain or headache that is not relieved with Acetaminophen (Tylenol), fever, chills, rash or any other worrisome symptom or concern.
- Call 911 if you are having trouble breathing as this could signal an allergic reaction.